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Instantly Create Customized Conversational Experiences

The Kore.ai XO Platform allows you to deploy AI Chatbots within minutes, not months

14-day free trial, easy setup, no developer needed

Make the most of XO's valuable features


Build AI Chatbots Faster With An AI-First Approach

Generative AI provides real-time suggestions as you create conversations. This helps build interactions that sound simple, relevant, and empathetic.


Infuse Empathy Into Every Conversation

The GPT models are customized to enable summarization, paraphrasing, and understanding complex user intents for a truly personalized experience.


Gain User Trust With Responsible AI

Our AI safeguards and privacy controls govern our platform to protect your brand and deliver conversational experiences users can trust. Confidently build your use case on a HIPAA, SOC2, and GDPR-compliant platform.


Connect To Your Existing Systems And Data

Search AI explores a business's data, websites, and content management systems to make specific information easily accessible for customers or employees through simple conversations. Connectors integrate your AI Chatbots with over 150 pre-built integrations and APIs.


Deploy Across Channels - Voice And Digital

Launch your AI Chatbots across 40+ voice and digital channels like web, messaging apps, and third-party IVRs to meet users where they live.


The AI tool anyone can use to build the AI Chatbot they need

XO Platform is super easy to use. You can get your AI Chatbots up and running in days or weeks, not months or years. Come on board and witness the power!