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Convergence of conversational bots and process automation

Blue Prism’s Technology Alliance Program (TAP) partnership with Kore.ai brings the power of process automation to your conversational bots. This integration brings the critical skills of natural language understanding, dialog and context management, and sentiment management to Blue Prism’s Intelligent Automation platform. Enterprises can now build intelligent bots that drive business flows using Kore.ai’s conversation management skills and Blue Prism’s robust process automation services.

Read the press release here

Conversation Driven Process Automation Services

Blue Prism’s RPA services combined with Kore.ai’s Bots Platform supports efficient automation of user-driven business processes using conversational bots. The integration enables enterprises in building context-aware business flows, driven by natural language conversations with customers, and accessible via 30+ voice and chat-based interaction channels.

Kore.ai Enterprise Bots Platform provides every necessary component to design, build, test, deploy and analyze AI-powered conversational bots in one solution. Kore.ai bots use best-in-class NLP models to understand user intents and drive dialog flows using natural language conversations. The in-built service orchestration framework allows secured integration with backend enterprise systems to exchange information. With Blue Prism integration, Kore.ai dialog flows can now connect to Blue Prism's RPA services, allowing you to invoke specific automation services to fulfill business processes.

How it works

Kore.ai offers the leading end-to-end cloud, on-premise, and hybrid platform that provides complete bot life cycle management, visual bot building, training and enterprise integrations, with minimal or even no coding required. Kore.ai takes a unique hybrid approach to understand user intent, using a combination of a machine learning model-based engine, a semantic rules-driven model, and a domain taxonomy and ontology-based model. This allows our bots to not only understand a user’s input with a high degree of accuracy but also intelligently handle complex human conversations, leveraging context from the dialog and about the user from their previous interactions.

As the pioneer of the most robust, secure, and highly scalable Digital Workforce, Blue Prism’s focus is on delivering an agile workforce that follows rules-based business processes and interacts with systems in the same way human users do – and that complements both traditional and leading edge IT solutions such as business process management (BPM), OCR, AI, machine learning, and front- and back-office productivity tools.

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Blue Prism and Kore.ai: Smart automation of business flows using conversational and contextual intelligence

Kore.ai Blue Prism Connector provides a generic reference integration for connecting bots with your enterprise Blue Prism RPA services. Conversation flow can be defined to invoke RPA services using Webhook nodes via BotKit SDK integration. The requisite information to be shared with RPA service for task fulfillment is automatically made available in the context.

  • Conversation flows in Kore.ai bots can connect to RPA services and pass the contextually relevant information like intent in progress, entities collected, etc.
  • The platform extension (BotKit SDK) can be used to invoke the RPA process using the Kore.ai Blue Prism Connector.
  • The platform passes the following information to the connector as a JSON object (BluePrism Request)
    • WSDL URL
    • Operation
    • Parameters
    • Type of invocation (synchronous or async)
    • Credentials
  • The connector invokes the specified RPA process on Blue Prism and returns the response back to the platform by auto-populating the requisite parameters in a JSON object (BluePrism Response)
  • Response from RPA service can be used in defining bot definitions like dialog transitions, entity determination, end-user responses etc.
  • For asynchronous requests, the connector sends a Callback URL to the SOAP service for correlating requests and responses.


The integration of Blue Prism and Kore.ai helps enterprises in building intelligent bots that drive business process automation using conversational flows. Kore.ai provides a visual and intuitive bot and dialog builder that provides an easy, repeatable, and uniform method for building, testing, and deploying chatbots – in a fraction of the time. Kore.ai empowers bots to handle virtually all nuances related to human conversations, including interruptions, clarifications, and more. Enterprise developers get complete control in defining the dialog turn and context switching experience for users.

With Blue Prism integration, the horizon of possibilities can be expanded to enable enterprises in defining smart process flows that can drive business automation using conversational and contextual intelligence. Kore.ai bots execute conversation flows by understanding user intents, entities, context, and sentiment. Blue Prism RPA services can consume the contextually relevant information and effectively automate business processes.

About Kore.ai

Kore.ai offers the industry’s leading, Enterprise-grade, end-to-end conversational AI-powered bots platform for designing, creating, training, testing, deploying and analyzing AI and NLP-powered, multi-lingual chatbots for use in more than 30 of the most popular consumer and business communication channels, including web, mobile and IVR. Kore.ai is the only platform to provide every component and capability needed to build bots that satisfy complex enterprise use case requirements, elevate engagement and exceed customer expectations – without months of development time and expense. See more at www.kore.ai

About Blue Prism

As the pioneer, innovator and market leader in Robotic Process Automation, Blue Prism (AIM: PRSM) delivers the world’s most successful Digital Workforce. Blue Prism provides a scalable and robust execution platform for best-of-breed AI and cognitive technologies and has emerged as the trusted and secure RPA platform of choice for the Fortune 500 companies. For more information, visit www.blueprism.com.