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Kore.ai Training
Contact Center AI (For Supervisors) – SmartAssist 3.1

About this course:

SmartAssist is an automation-first, customer-intent-driven contact center software. It is available in the cloud and for on-premise deployment, providing an omnichannel solution for inbound customer service via Voice and Digital Channels (Chat and Email). Based on customer intents/goals, you can tailor customer experiences to your business and customer needs. With SmartAssist, you can automate regular customer queries and seamlessly transfer them to a human agent as needed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the features of SmartAssist
  • Learn the onboarding process for Agents and Supervisors
  • Configure SmartAssist according to the business requirements
  • Design experience flows 
  • Setup queue routing techniques
  • Analyze the analytics to gain insights