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The Enterprise ecosystem has highly specific use cases that a Conversational AI platform needs to handle. That is why designing the perfect virtual assistant for the industry is of prime importance in the bot development life cycle, so that it can handle all these use cases. 

In the webinar, we shall walk you through the virtual assistant design process using our Conversation Designer—the simplest and most natural method to design a virtual assistant for any Industry.

The Webinar is meant for analysts, developers, and tech enthusiasts who are looking to simplify and streamline the virtual assistant development process.

In this webinar you will learn how to :

icon-1 Design and capture complex business requirements and use-cases
Group 76 Design the conversation by simply entering bot-user messages
Group 77-1 Understand the links between different conversations
Group 78 Collaborate to review and comment on various conversation paths

Speaker Profile

Aayush Mediratta

Aayush Mediratta has 16+ years of experience working in large financial institutions. At Kore.ai, he handles pre-sales for chatbot solutions & bots platform, with a focus on front-office technology implementation & delivery.

Mask Group 2-1Something Powerful

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