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Become a GALE Beta Tester

The GALE beta program is now open and accepting applications. Beta testers can use our no-code toolset to build and deploy AI applications. While GALE offers a wide range of effective AI models for diverse services this beta program may not be ideal for every use case. Use the form below to tell us a bit about what you plan to build with GALE. We will consider each application to ensure the beta program fits well with the goals of each project. We appreciate your interest in GALE and look forward to collaborating with you.

GALE Beta Test Application Form

Welcome to the GALE Beta Testing Program! Please fill out this form to apply to be a beta tester.


Experience conversational search

Offer intelligent, contextual, and personalized search experience in every interaction across your web and mobile channels.

Experience conversational search

Through unified conversational search and chat interface.

Features Title

Curabitur et pretium mi. Cras nec urna ut magna vehicula.

Features Title

Curabitur et pretium mi. Cras nec urna ut magna vehicula.

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