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On-Demand Expert Webinar

Healthcare Reimagined: Unleashing the Potential of AI



Kane Simms

VUX World

Delfina Huergo

Frost & Sullivan

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Chip Steiner


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About this Webinar 

Watch this exclusive webinar, where we delve into the transformative power of conversational AI in healthcare. 

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Achievements in conversational AI within the healthcare sector.
  • The trajectory of healthcare technologies and the pivotal role conversational AI is set to play in shaping the future of patient care and provider efficiency.
  • Top challenges currently facing the industry, from integration headaches to security concerns.
  • The impact of LLMs on healthcare.

This webinar will help healthcare leaders understand how to leverage Conversational AI to create extraordinary experiences that patients expect in 2024 and beyond while improving their competitive advantage in the fast-paced world of tech.

      Chip Steiner, Product Manager Healthcare Practice, Kore.ai
      Delfina Huergo, Senior Market Research Analyst, Frost & Sullivan
      Kane Simms, CEO and Founder, VUX World


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Curabitur et pretium mi. Cras nec urna ut magna vehicula.

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