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Take your contact center experience to the next level!

The Only AI-Native, LLM-Powered CCaaS Platform for Extraordinary CX and AX

Delight customers, empower agents, and scale your contact center – all at the same time
  • Automate up to 80% of customer interactions without ever reaching a live agent
  • Leverage smart routing and conversational AI capabilities to elevate and enhance customer experience
  • Uniquely empower contact center agents with an AI-driven workspace to drive more valuable and contextual conversations

Looking for some more information about the power of our contact center AI solution? Take a look at some of our content below:

Contact Center AI One-Pager

Florida Blue Fireside Chat

If you’d like to hear more about the tangible impact Kore.ai is enabling businesses to bring to their customers and agents as well as Gartner’s insights on the industry, be sure to fill out the form and receive a link to more key information.