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Putting AI to Work with Cognitive Search

Kore.ai Named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search Platforms, Q4 2023


Why Improve SX 

From product information to knowledge articles, we create a lot of data every day. You can't always find the right information quickly with traditional keyword-based search methods.

McKinsey found that employees spend 1.8 hours every day searching for information, using cognitive intelligence, generative AI, and RAG, we can solve this problem. 


Better Search with Cognitive Intelligence and RAG  

Cognitive intelligence and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) help AI understand user intent, context, and semantics better, offering a more personalized search experience to help users find information faster.

Experience conversational search

Offer intelligent, contextual, and personalized search experience in every interaction across your web and mobile channels.

Experience conversational search

Through unified conversational search and chat interface.

Features Title

Curabitur et pretium mi. Cras nec urna ut magna vehicula.

Features Title

Curabitur et pretium mi. Cras nec urna ut magna vehicula.

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Forrester Research on Search

Key Considerations for Selecting a Cognitive Search Solution

The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search Platforms report provides insights from a detailed 27-criterion evaluation and suggests looking for platforms that offer:

  • Composite Approach to Indexing and Searching: Using NLP, machine learning, and knowledge graphs for a holistic approach to information retrieval.
  • Deep Understanding of User Intent: Tailoring content to user needs and preferences.
  • Robust Data Pipelines and Connectors: Ensuring seamless access to diverse data sources with granularity flexibility.


Ready to get started?

Explore the Kore.ai Platform, solutions or create an account instantly to start seeing value from your AI solutions. You can also contact us to design a custom package for your business.

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