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Leading Slovenian Bank Offers Complete Customer Self-Service with AI-Powered Contact Centers




The Customer

Nova KBM, founded in 1862, is one of the oldest and leading Slovenian financial institutions with a full range of banking services. The bank offers both personal banking and financial services, such as corporate finance.

The bank needed fully automated intelligent virtual assistants to provide self-service to customers. This would free up their contact center live agents to better serve customers and improve customer satisfaction.


“How can we replace our basic chatbots with end-to-end self-service automation?”

Before Kore.ai, Nova KBM used an integrated contact center platform with a simple chat feature. However, as the processes weren’t fully automated, the live agents still handled most of the chat requests. Because many of the chats were similar in context, there was an opportunity to automate most customer requests. They wanted to provide the best customer experience while freeing their agents to focus on other essential tasks and customer requests on different channels.


Nova KBM chose Kore.ai’s XO Platform to win over the challenges they were facing. The bank, in collaboration with Kore.ai, chalked out a transformation process to automate their contact center chats using AI-powered intelligent virtual assistants. After the implementation, the IVAs could easily handle customer queries and FAQs, reducing the agents’ workload of managing live chats.

Interactions -icon


Automation rate improved customer satisfaction

containment -icon


Reduction in chats routed to live agents



Increase in chat containment rate allowed agents to handle more calls


Read the case study to find out how NKBM bank offers a seamless customer experience with AI-Powered contact centers.


“I was most impressed with the speed of implementation, especially because we needed to develop the language from scratch. The ability of the Kore.ai team to develop language support in just six weeks is amazing. We recommend companies in small work environments and markets to explore the possibilities of using artificial intelligence and such platforms.”

– Aleksandra Brdar Turk, Director Banking Operations at Nova KBM d.d.

Our Clients


Fortune 2000 companies
Top 4 banks Top 3 healthcare


Enterprise consumers
interact with Kore.ai technology 


Employees use Kore IVAs
to automate 1 billion plus interactions across 35+ channels


Automate Rates
based on use case


In cost reduction
delivered to consumer operations since 2015

Read the complete story