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Multinational Banking Leader Deploys AI-Powered Smart Call Deflection to Unclog its Contact Centers, Achieves 70% Reduction in Call Waiting Time



The Customer

The New York-based multinational banking and financial services conglomerate serves over 200 million accounts, 2,500 branches, and operates in 160 countries.


The bank’s customer support interactive voice response (IVR) could not contain more than 40% of its callers’ inquiries on lost and stolen cards, balance transfers between credit card companies, order cheques, account statements for loans, and more. Operational cost was rising with an increasing volume of support requests that continued to be routed to human agents instead of settling in the IVR.


The bank’s IT team along with Kore.ai's team built a smart call deflection and virtual assistant system that empowered the customer support program with an omnichannel presence. Now, the customers are served 24X7 via voice (IVR) or text (virtual assistant) channel. Customers are given an option to be served by a virtual assistant for their routine queries related to credit card and banking transactions.

Interactions -icon


call containment
containment -icon


reduction in call waiting time


saving in operational costs over two years


Banking customer service often involves repetitive queries and transactions which can be automated easily to deliver faster service and save human agent time and cost. Read the case study to find out how you can automate the most common tasks.


Our Clients


Fortune 2000 companies
Top 4 banks Top 3 healthcare


Enterprise consumers
interact with Kore.ai technology 


Employees use Kore IVAs
to automate 1 billion plus interactions across 35+ channels


Automate Rates
based on use case


In cost reduction
delivered to consumer operations since 2015

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